Nokia 7110 :

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Nokia 7110 :

for checking the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)

To view Software Version.

Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) activation. It will automatically restart.

Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) deactivation. It will automatically restart.

Half Rate Codec activation. It will automatically restart

Half Rate Codec deactivation. It will automatically restart

Sim clock allowed status.

*#92702689# [*#war0anty#]
Takes you to a secret menu with 6 choices:

1. Displays Serial Number.
2. Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture (0997)
3. Displays (if there) the date where the phone was purchased (MMYY)
4. Displays the date of the last repairment - if found (0000)
5. makes you capebel of transferring user data if you have the gear for it
6. shows how many hours the phone has been on

Latest software version: 4.77 25-01-00 NSE-5 - EFR and half rate codes do not work with this version.

V 4.76 13-01-00 NSE-5
V 4.75 07-01-00 NSE-5
V 4.73 15.11.99 NSE-5