Using Bluetooth with Symbian UIQ 3 SDK

Monday, November 14, 2011

Download the BT USB driver from Nokia
Install it as explained in the instructions and verify the COM port at which the BT dongle is available (using the sbt.exe tool from BT driver ZIP package)
Use the SDKConfig tool to set the UIQ 3 emulator BT port to the COM port found at the previous step.
Since the UIQ SDK is has a poor UI for more subtle Bluetooth configuration you need to find, usually in \UIQ3SDK\epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\Z\private\101f7989\ESock\

You should then mofify the [hci] section in the following manner:

hcidllfilename= hci_h4.dll // Here you need to use either hci_h4.dll or hci_usb.dll
port= 0 // COM1 = 0, COM2 = 1, .... etc. If using hci_usb.dll this number should not matter

Restart the EPOC emulator. You might need to go to the phone application and from the setting to choose "Phone On". After that the BT icon should appear in the emulator status bar.