Walkman Support with Flash Animations

Monday, November 14, 2011

First you should have SYSGFX Patch.
1.Collect the files which are of walkman skin in gfx folder.
2.Copy their names or name (if you want to have only one flash animation)
3.Open notepad and write in it
usb/other/gfx/back.swf or the directory where u have the gfx.
4.Save it as E86D.png.@ (Im using main background)
5.Connect your phone as file transfer.
6.Transfer the E86D.png.@ to gfx folder. (DONT DISCONNECT)
7.Now have a flash file and rename it to back.swf (We wrote it in the E86D.png.@)
8.Put the flash file in the gfx folder and disconnect the mobile.
9.Turn on phone and open walkman and you're done.

If you want to change the background again just delete the back.swf in gfx folder and place a new file with the same name.
I think you can also have .gif file as background just you need to do is.
edit the E86D.png.@ and write back.gif instead of back.swf and place a back.gif file in the gfx folder.

You must patch w810 to support .swf as wallpaper
More Tips find out http://www.se-nse.net