Monday, November 14, 2011

For All Airtel Users

1. Airtel live (available 4 free)
2. Nokia series60 handset eg 6600,6630,n series,7610,6670 etc
3. Opera wap browser 4 mobile

1. Go to ur connection settings and make a new internet profile using the default settings of airtel live. name that new profile as nething(for eg masala); change the home page of that profile to nething u like for eg www.google.com.

2. Go to ur Opera browser and set the default connection as AIRTEL LIVE. this is the original settings u received thru airtel.

3. Go to the services(in n6600) and Web(N6630) and change the default profile for connection as masala (newer one).

**Note: always make sure that your access point is : airtelfun.com


1. Open Opera and u will see that homepage of Airtel Live is opened. Minimize the application.

2. Now open web using the duplicate Profile and u will see that two gprs connections will work simultaneously and at the web or the services page it will show "Unable to connect" or any error. well thats the signal of ur success.

3. Simply go on the Opera with web on and open any site u want for free. No Charges No nothing.


we can use internet only by using AIRTELLIVE but it can use only in pc.the way is simple just connect ur 3g phone to pc ,set extra initialization command as AT+CGDCONT=,,"*991#" in modem properties and just dial using number *991#.After authentication just open airtellive in the 3g phone.then u can download what u want without cost.